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    Past Events

  1. 11/01/22 Utah HIV PrEP & PEP Institute

    Tue, Nov 1 2022: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm PT
    getSFcba is proud to be co-hosting this exciting hybrid in-person and virtual event with the Utah Department of Health and Human Services. The Utah HIV PrEP & PEP… More...
  2. 07/07/21 HIV Testing & Prevention in Syringe Service Programs (SSPs)

    Wed, Jul 7 2021: 11:00 am - 12:15 pm PT
    Persons at risk for HIV are sometimes at risk for other communicable diseases such as Hepatitis C and deal with various issues such as homelessness and substance involvement. Given these… More...
  3. 07/30/20 Virtual Case Management – Transitioning case managers and community peer navigators to provide ART initiation and retention support clients virtually (Sponsored by USAID/PEPFAR)

    Thu, Jul 30 2020: 6:00 am - 7:00 am PT
        The USAID- and PEPFAR-supported EpiC project is pleased to host a webinar series on how to deliver HIV services using online and virtual platforms. The series… More...

For access to all of our past trainings & webinars go to our Resources page.


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